Getting started with RabbitMq using NodeJs
by vinayak

RabbitMq is a message broker that allows sending and receiving messages between different services. It is a message broker that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP).
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Creating a follow and unfollow system in Django | python
by vinayak

Social Media giants like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Github have one thing in common, that is it follow/unfollow feature. which allows the user to follow each other.
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How to Create a Youtube clone using react
by vinayak

React is an open-source javaScript library that is used to develop interactive user interfaces. It is managed by Facebook and a community of individual developers and companies. React mainly focuses on developing single-page web or mobile applications. here, we will create a Youtube clone.
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The Bcrypt Algorithm for Secure Password Hashing
by vinayak

Hashing is a cryptographic function that cannot be reversed. It takes an input of random size to produce fixed-size values.
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